Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Word "Vehicle" Defined For Transportation Alternatives

Recently we were told in no uncertain terms by New York's leading advocate group for safer and saner urban commuting, Transportation Alternatives, a curious irregularity that led to the formation of this advocacy group for SkateBoard as Transport. T.A. told us the SkateBoard was not a vehicle.

We were quite taken by the comment, so much so, we doubted our own minds and even if we had ever understood the English language at all, ever. The most basic principles of common sense or common high school historical knowledge had taught us the skateboard is indeed a vehicle as it relates to humans getting from point A to point B while assited by any wheeled, mechanical or sliding means. As you will see in the definitions below. Yes, even a sled is a vehicle leaders at T.A. Transportation Alternatives,

We had transported ourselves by means of a skateboard to the NYC Summer Streets, Transportation Alternatives event booth.  Since we were sure we had not floated on thin air to the event, nor been cosmically tele-ported, and as far as we knew, a board with four wheels that transported load from one place to the next had constituted a vehicle for billions of people over thousands of years the globe over, our curiosity was peaked and we resolved to seek the definition from various sources so as not to imagine we had landed in an alternate universe where common, simple terms had lost their meaning. What we found was reassuring. We are not in a parallel universe where words have no meaning. Quite the contrary.

What has begun as a lame excuse by T.A. to not so much as even investigate and study the recent massive influx of skateboarding commuters onto the daily traffic grid of NYC's shared road ways, has spawned a new advocacy organization. Here below are a few definitions of vehicle T. A.

In the months and years to follow we shall as a group begin to advocate for safe and sane SkateBoard as Trasport. One day in the not to distant future, not only will T.A. refrain from such ridiculous and regressive ideas that are clearly holding back ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION  and TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES for all citizens by way of skateboard, but the entire country shall recognize the noble skateboard as the quintessential, alternative transport vehicle, for short urban distance that offers it's operator a daily does of healthy balance, the third leg of full body life long fitness while getting them across town a 10-20 blocks carbon free (fuel-wise-OK nothing is carbon free I know). Alternatively, naturally. Can you imagine the morning rush hour coming off the tri-state Metro North and L.I.E lines and dropping a deck for the last 15 blocks instead of MTA and Bus usage? I can. I see a massive wave of children on three wheeled push scooters. What does T.A. think that sets those kids up for? T.A. needs a little help still. Lets begin with simple English shall we. The SkateBoard meets all the definitions below and then some. The SkateBoard T. A. is clearly a vehicle and it is high time you recognize it as such. Not doing so is regressive to the blind extreme.

ve·hi·cle[vee-i-kuhl or, sometimes, vee-hi-] Show IPA


any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport:.
a conveyance moving on wheels, runners, tracks, or the like, as a cart, sled


: a means of carrying or transporting something > as b : a piece of mechanized equipment



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