Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Negative Side of Blanket SkateBoard Bans

Blanket bans on skateboards are narrow and short sighted. The fact is, a skateboard is an effective machine in what it can achieve. It is up to the operator's discretion to choose from a long list of possible handling outcomes. Much like a car. A car driver makes many choices. To begin with the choice of car. Followed by a desire to respect and abide by traffic laws or not. Both have obvious consequences.

The same is true for a skateboard. If the rider chooses a longboard of 42" with a drop deck and large 85 mm wheels they would be well suited to push the board and commute comfortably on flat ground in a straight line as well as roll down small inclines with in 25 mile per hour speed limits. With that same board they, if they decided and chose to, achieve speeds in excess of 50 mph depending on the decent grade. The operator makes the choice, same as is made behind the wheel of a car.

Personally, I choose to commute by skateboard all over New York City in a straight line and obey traffic laws. All the while I am on a board which could travel 6o mph pointed down the right hill incline and exceed local  speed limits but I do not. I choose. The operator decides. Machines never make the choices. Removing the right to choose is removing our freedoms to retain our privilege of choice. Those that decide to choose to drive recklessly no matter what vehicle they operate should  have their privilege taken away. For the rest of us, please, let's not criminalize what is not a crime, skateboard commuting in a straight line while obeying traffic laws same as any car, motorcycle or bicycle.

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