Friday, August 12, 2011

SkateBoard Commuters Speak Up

If you use a skateboard to get around please write us and let us know you're skateboard commuter story and what you would like to see this organization advocate for. In the near future we will explain and define our public position with greater definition and with whom we will attempt to partner with as well as advocate to.

We know the skateboard community is commuting by the millions. Some of these commutes are going under the radar of most transportation alternative advocate organizations to the extent that some don't even consider the skateboard a vehicle. The skateboard is so effective at short distances that no one really pays that much attention.  Part of it's efficacy is how fast the mode of transportation enters in and out of the traffic flow. Your commute may be as short as a half mile to the skateboard park. This is no less a commute then a 50 mile car commute. You are a human being needing to get to where you need to go as much as any other vehicle and tax payer. You are on the traffic grid and a mountain load of traffic issues are at play there.

We want to advocate so as to make even that .5 miles commute in everyone's community becomes more relaxing, safer and most of all blend in better with the rest of the existing traffic flow.

The futire is all about allowing human powered vehicles more and safer acces into all the peoples consciousness so they might make "true choice" alternative transportation happen every where.

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